The next step.....

I love the head space cleaning other people's houses affords me. I listen to podcasts or music and let my mind wander, and occasionally some thought strikes me........

I left my job , nursing on a Special Care Baby Unit in December last year. I had been cleaning and organising other peoples houses for a bit of extra cash and to ease the physical and mental strain the shift work was having on me.
My plan was to see what happened with my fledgling business, whilst working agency nurse shifts to keep skills and income up. Forward on 6 months and my days are full.

This has left me wondering what the next step is? There is only 1 me and a finite number of hours in a day. To work in this hand to mouth way indefinitely seems foolish and I'm not sure my back will manage long term! I didn't have the answer.

Today's I was listening to "Lady Startup", a podcast all about women starting businesses and something caught my ear. I'm not sure who was talking as I was drifting in and out, but the woman speaking said that your business must be your passion, something you can see yourself doing daily long term.
This resonated as I put a load of washing in the dryer at my client's house. What I envisage long term is me managing lots of mes, narcissistic much??

Let me explain, yes I clean houses, however I consider myself to be an intelligent cleaner, in fact, I have been described as this. I don't mean that I went to Uni, like arty movies, read plenty of books or whatever other sketchy definitions you may have of intelligence- I once read an article, almost definitely on  Facebook, which described women as still carrying the "emotional load" This is certainly true in my house, even though my partner probably does more than a lot of men. All my clients are women, with the exception of one man, who is a single father. Most of these women work, yet they organise the cleaner. I don't want to add to their emotional load. I want to walk in and do what needs doing, see that the dishwasher needs putting on, the washing hanging out, the bed linen being put on, without specific instructions. I have a brain, I can figure out where most things live in houses and if the cupboard I'm putting something away in vomits its contents, I will give it a tidy. I have been told that I have changed someones life and someone else is so glad they found me. How brilliant! how frigging sad!! These are more striking comments than I had in 18 years of nursing premature babies. 

I want to hire me. I can't be unique, I certainly hope I'm not as that is how I want to grow my business. I want to employ other practical thinkers and doers, who don't need spoon-feeding. I have come across some in my nursing career already. I want people to be able to just hand over a key and get an excellent, detailed, consistent service.
I trained as a nurse , I want to care for people, women,  in another way.I want to to be the head honcho of a world class "emotional load reducing" business!


  1. I read this and am so proud to call you my sister.Good luck.xx


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